The benefits of teaching music and learning an instrumentBy Viktorija Jumiķe, Secondary Music teacher
Music Tuition Program (MTP) has long been a tradition at ISR. The whole semester, MTP students are offered one lesson per week during school time of their chosen instrument. At the end of the semester, students all get a chance to show off their newly acquired skills to a wider audience during a concert. Playing a musical instrument is an extraordinary way to develop musicality, sense of rhythm, note sight reading, as well as learn about different cultures and history, widen musical experience and make friends. Research shows that playing a musical instrument is the only activity that creates brain activity in both hemispheres, in almost all areas at the same moment. Therefore, besides developing musical qualities, students who play musical instruments regularly develop thinking skills, predicting skills, analyzing skills, planning skills, social skills, emotional intelligence, body coordination skills and differentiated listening skills. Playing a musical instrument helps students be more motivated, focused, and develop their personality. Each performance is an opportunity for students to not only show their skills but also to learn the stage culture, gain experience from performing for an audience and have feedback, and get a chance to reflect on themselves, their feelings and their exciting journey in the wide world of music. This year the program is offered to secondary school students who are willing to gain or develop their skills on piano, guitar playing and singing. The program is for additional cost. For more information, please contact the Office: