ISR expands its Summer Camp program and offers its first Summer program for Secondary studentsBy Līga Eriņa, Secondary Physical Education, Athletics & Summer Camp Coordinator
For more than ten years, ISR has offered the three-week summer program for preschool and primary students. This summer the camp teachers prepared another exciting journey where students learned about themselves, others and the world around them through activities that match their age, interests, needs and abilities. “Nature Explorers”, “Around the World in 5 Days” and “Ocean” were themes of the weeks. Camp sessions included arts and crafts, games, sports, storytelling, cooking, science experiments and outdoor activities. Field trips, gym time and special theme days were also a part of the camp experience. Non or limited English speaking students were working on improving their English throughout the weeks. The campers went on two field trips every week as we believe that learning is enriched by taking the students out of the classrooms and off school campus. They developed unforgettable memories when visiting the fire station and amusement park. The best way to learn about nature is to experience it firsthand, therefore students were given an opportunity to go to the beach and forest. There’s nothing more exciting for students than a field trip!
This year ISR also took the challenge to expand our current summer camp program for primary students into secondary summer program. The ISR Secondary Summer Camp gathered 9 participants in the first week and 16 in the second. The students had an opportunity to improve confidence in speaking and writing English, solving math problems and scientific exploration and discovery, participate in a variety of sports and field trips, create art and make new friends. Every day started in the ISR Library with a camp meeting, followed by cahoots and other games in English. Sports was also a daily part of the camp. In both weeks the students left school campus to go on adventurous trips. Weeks were kicked off by visiting escape rooms, followed by whole day trips on Wednesdays, where one was a trip to Sigulda by train and the other one – virtual reality games in Ādaži. Participants played tennis, were involved in a science show, visited virtual art exhibition and challenged each other in a bowling game on the last day of camp. This was a breathtaking summer experience for both students and teachers filled with adventure, exploration, new skills and friendships.