Michael Curpek
University and Career Guidance Counsellor
There is a full-time counselor to assist with university admission, careers and personal development in the Secondary School. The University Counsellor employs International School Counselling Association (ISCA) International Model for School Counselling Programs in order to inform and shape ISR’s comprehensive guidance curriculum and services. Some of the counselling services provided at Secondary are:
- Academic Advising Grades 9-12: class hours are dedicated to helping students strengthen their academic standing and boost their performance to assist their overall success. Students develop personal qualities that contribute to being an effective learner and employ strategies to achieve school success.
- Career Counselling Grades 9-12: a comprehensive high school career guidance programme in place including lessons, workshops, and activities to help students understand the relationships among personal qualities, education and training, and the world of work. Students also explore jobs, industries, and career pathways to make an informed decision on which training programme to pursue at university.
- University Guidance and Counselling Grades 10-12: a comprehensive university guidance programme with an individualised approach, including lessons, workshops, and assignments to understand higher education in general and specific requirements for each degree programme. Students will research universities and put together successful applications to secure a placement at the university of their choice.
The University Counsellor’s office is always open to parents and students of ISR, and we encourage you to take advantage of this helpful resource. As an ISR community member, should you seek information, support or assistance, please feel free to schedule an appointment or stop by the counsellor’s office during regular school hours.